not resolution just a wish
sebenarny ini copy paste dari friendster sih..
itung2 utk ngisi blog aja..
lagi gak punya bahan utk nulis nih..hihihi..
ok deh sassoku ngejawab バトン(bhs indonesianya apa ya?)
In the year 2007, you will be turning
what age?
- 22 insyaAllah..wah udah tua ya..
in what month?
- oct
How do you feel about turning that
- hehe..seperti comment aku diatas
Do you want to...
Lose weight?
- gak..tetap aja
Excercise more?
- hhmm...hampir tiap ari jg udah exercise kok..naik turun tangga, cycling,walking,climbing (soalny kampusny diatas bukit :D)
Get a better job?
- wish..moga bisa dapet part time yg bagus..amiin..
Go to school?
- not school but college
Quit smoking?
Quit Drinking?
- soft drinking? hehe..minum soft drink maksdnya..
Have any other resolution? Or No
- many..but it`s not resolution..just a wish
Are you going to Get married?
- wish..heuhuehe.. :p
Have a baby?
- taun depan?hhmm..
Buy a house?
- kyknya masih blm a house mungkin..hehe..
Move out on your own?
- yup insyaAllah..move out from dormitory
Graduate from college?
- not yet
See your child graduate?
- dont have a child yet
Any other major things going on?
- hhmm..
- dont know
And Lastly...
Do you have any hopes for 2007?
- ya..
What are they?
-so many
Anything you want to declare about
- hhmm..semoga bisa jadi lebih baik dari yang sekarang dan bisa menjadi serta mendapat yang terbaik aja..amiin ^_^
H minus 5 menjelang liburan insyaAllah
3 komentar:
yaa..not resulotion-->resolution
hueheueeheu..honto da..salah ketik aja kok itu chy(pembelaan diri^_^)..buktinya yang bagian bawahny bener kan? :p
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