49 Facts about me
1. Are u photogenic ?
2. What time do you go to bed ?
jam sebelas keatas lha..
3. What was the last thing you did
before this ?
4. Who's the one you always meet the
most ?
nih yg lagi didepanku sekarang..
5. Who's the person you'll call if you
need help?
siapa aja yg ada di"dekat"ku..
6. What's on your mind right now ?
ntah lha..
7. What do you prefer?american idol/
Malaysian idol?
gak dua2..
8. With whom do you wanna be with?
now--> my mom...
9. What movie do u wanna watch now?
dah lama gak nonton..
10. When was the last time you went
out? with who?
tadi ke kampus..sama2 orang yg bareng dari sini..
11. What do you hate the most for now ?
12. What do you do everyday besides eat
& sleep?
ngenet & chat
13. Colours that make you happy ?
14. Most fave thing in your room ?
my computer
15. Miss someone?
not someone but everyone
16. Plan to buy something?
selalu ada rencana sih..tp baru sebatas rencana doang..
17. Are you satisfied with your life
alhamdulillah..walau sekarang lagi gak mood sih..tapi bukan karena aku gak puas dengan apa yg aku punya..
18.Do you like seafood?
19.Breakfast or dinner?
20. like chocolates?
21.Do you have a phone?
cuma punya handphone
22. What's your favorite fast food?
gak gitu suka fast food sih..
23. Cats or dogs?
prefer cats
24. Salty or sweet?
25. City or country?
26. Is kissing normal for your age?
aku suka banget nyium anak bayi..wangi sih..hehe..
27. Are you athletic?
28.favorite band for now?
gak ada
29. Do you have your own cell phone?
31. Ever had a crush on a teacher in
32. Coke or pepsi?
33. sugar or spice?
33. Can you use chopsticks?
bisa lha..
35. Do you care about getting good
mmm..gitu deh..
36. Have you ever fallen a sleep in
37. Get a job or ask your parents for
gak dua2nya --> lho dari mana uangnya ya? :D
38. Is your mom strict?
gak tuh..alhamdulillah mama care banget..i love u mom..
39. Do your parents give you enough
alhamdulillah, mereka selalu menyerahkan keputusan kepadaku untuk memilih..ya walau tetap dengan pertimbangan mereka..
40. Do your parents trust you?
41. Would you ever wanna lose your
42. Does your best friend get on your
gak..justru sebaliknya..
43. Do you make friends quickly?
mmm..tergantung sih..
44. Do you tell your mom everything?
mmm..sekarang keknya iya deh..^^
45. What do you & your parents fight
about most?
soal prinsip,tp gak sampe berantem kok..cuma sedikit adu argumentasi :p
46. If u love someone & she/ he
rejected u. What will u do to her/him?
mmm..ya sudah..
47. Can u sing or rap?
48. If u have one wish , who would u
make ur wife/husband for the wish?
mmm..yang terbaik buat aku aja
49. What do u think bout this survey?
biasa aja
copy dari friendster...
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